Friday, November 20, 2009

I'm So Blessed and Thankful

It's Friday...and you know what that means...a brand New Release!!! Let me get right to it...take a look

I wasn't sure what to name it at first but then one of my Tater Tots, Janine (Neeny) suggested Blessed and Thankful and I thought that was so fitting! Not just for this kit but for my life in general. That's how I feel...BLESSED and so very THANKFUL for family and friends and the life that I live. So I hope you like it as much as I do. It's great for Thanksgiving and Fall photos or even just family photos!!! And for a limited time it's 20% off!!!

Take a look at what a couple of my Tater Tots did with it...

This one is by Kayla (keepscrappin)

and here's another one by Janine (Neeny)

Aren't they FAB!!! I love my Tater Tots!!! a busy weekend ahead. Today basketball season officially starts for my husband and his team. So that's where I will be tonight and then my dad and my sis are coming in town I told my mom I go help her pick out some new carpet...yeah my life is exciting...I know.

Have a great weekend!!

1 comment:

The Allens said...

I'm so glad I could help to name this kit. It really is fitting for what so many of us are feeling right now blessed and thankful for all we have. Go snap up the kit everyone it is gorgeous and you won't regret it!